Tag Archives: D&D

Reaper Bones – Satheras, Elf Warlock

I have been working on this figure for weeks, on and off. But I decided I needed to finish it so I could actually use it in my friend’s Dungeon World game. This is really the first figure I’ve painted to completion, and the first of our Bones Vampire reward level miniatures that I’ve painted.

Satheras, Elf Warlock, front

Satheras, Elf Warlock, front

Satheras, Elf Warlock, back

Satheras, Elf Warlock, back

I was attempting to get an inner glow on the crystal, but I think I need to work on my blending. I also trimmed the pointy elf hood to make it less, well, pointy. I think that worked well. And I’m really happy with the shading on the robes.

Although it has some issues, I’m quite happy with it. I have reigned-in my perfectionism and actually called something finished. This is actually a big deal for me.

Roll20.net for in-person games

I’ve been running a Dungeons & Dragons 5e game at work during lunch on Fridays, which has been quite fun, but also has a few challenges, one of which has been the participation of a player who frequently works offsite. Since we usually play in a conference room with a beautiful, big screen TV, I thought that using a virtual tabletop might help with that and some other issues. I decided to give Roll20.net a try, and after using it for two sessions, I’d say it’s working reasonably well.

Player view of Roll20 virtual tabletop.

Player view of Roll20 virtual tabletop. (see below for GM’s view.)

If you haven’t heard of Roll20.net, they have some good introductory videos on youtube, including a Crash Course, and overviews for player and GM, and lots of good information in their wiki.

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Lunchtime Adventures

I’ve finally done it; I’ve managed to pull together a lunchtime gaming group at work. We’re going to be meeting on Fridays, with the goal of getting some roleplaying in with the new edition of Dungeons & Dragons. We’ll fall back to board or card games if we don’t have quorum, just to keep the group rhythm going.

I started with the Lost Mine of Phandelver from the D&D Starter Set, which was easy to pick up and run. Mike Shea has some useful suggestions about running Phandelver.

The adventure from the D&D 5e Starter Set.

The adventure from the D&D 5e Starter Set.

I’m going to have to think about ways to make the one-hour game session hum. The narrative combat model in D&D5e will be a big part of that. If anyone has other suggestions for making a lunch-hour RPG campaign work, please let me know.

#RPGaDAY 28 – Scariest game you’ve played

I’m not a fan of being scared. I had to hide behind the couch when the Six Million Dollar Man met up with Bigfoot. That said, I’ve learned to enjoy a bit of creepy tone in my dramatic tension. My most memorable creepy game was the Wake of the Watcher module from Paizo’s Carrion Crown adventure path that I had the pleasure of playing from the second module to the end.

Wake of the Watcher cover

The Watcher module features creepy townspeople, a creepy cult, creepy monsters of the squishy, insanity provoking outsider types… fun stuff. That said, I was happy to move on from that adventure to something smelling less of dead fish. Or was that Oberon’s armor that smelled?

Sneak attack soda – yum!

A while back, I posted a link on Facebook about the Dungeons & Dragons Limited Edition Spellcasting Sodas from Jones. The mom of a kid who participates in the kids D&D group saw that link, and ordered a case as birthday party favors. And the kid wanted bring some to the gaming group.


Well, I was skeptical. But I had the sneak attack soda; I think it was the best cream soda I’ve ever had. Of course, NatureBoy wants to get our own case so we can have D&D soda bottles that we treasure forever. :-).

Carnage Game report – Day One

We made our way to the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee for Carnage. We’ve all been looking forward to getting away for the weekend, even Beloved Wife, who isn’t actually participating in the convention. She’s a crafting geek, though, and brought knitting to keep her content (as well as some homework).

One our way through Randolph, we stopped at Mugwort & Malachite, a new-age shop, to check it out. It was small and dark, but had some nice things. I liked a few of the Dryad Designs statuary. NB picked up a dragon calendar.

We did some meal planning, and picked up a bunch of foods that you can prepare by adding hot water. We also brought fruit, snacks, and tea. But we forgot our electric tea kettle. :O So we stopped by the Price Chopper in West Lebanon, N.H., and bought a small electric kettle and a small crock pot (both on sale).

We had pre-registered for the conference, and we got all the games we requested except for the first slot. Here’s what our schedule looks like:

Friday 1 PM to 5 PM Avon-on-the-Moor [D&D 3.5]
(had requested RoboRally: Battle Royal)
Saturday 8 am to 12 PM Powergrid [board game]
Saturday 1 PM to 5 PM Wiz-War Classic [board game]
Saturday 7 PM to 11 PM GURPS Prime Directive: the Vanished [ Star Trek RPG]
Sunday 10 am to 2 PM Star Trek Fleet Action [miniatures]


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