Tag Archives: heroscape


When NatureBoy and I attended NorthEast Wars in April, one of the events we played was a six-person Heroscape game. I hadn’t played it before; I think NB may have played with a friend more than a year prior. Although my army died early-on, NB stayed in the game almost to the end. He had a great time, and decided that he wanted a Heroscape set for his birthday.

Heroscape battle

The game features hexagonal plastic terrain pieces that snap and stack together to build a battle scenario. Then players create armies from miniatures, some of which are single “hero” characters while others are groups of less powerful units called “squads.” The rules for movement and combat are straight-forward and consistent. The object is to be the “last person standing.”

Heroscape close-up

NB received the Rise of the Valkyrie Master Set and the Volcarren Wasteland expansion set, and we have played several games. In fact, he and BW have played several games, and she even likes it. W00T! I expect this will be a staple of our gaming for a long while.

No heroes can withstand the might of...

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