Tag Archives: photos

Sickbay and snowstorm

The whole family has been sick with a bad cold. NatureBoy was ill last weekend. Beloved wife and I succumbed this week. I had to leave work early twice, and then took sick days Friday and today. BW and I spent most of our time sleeping or watching videos from the folded-out futon.

I’m glad to say that we’re on the mend. BW tried to get to work this morning, but the big snowstorm made travel impossible. So we hunkered down for one more day of recuperation.

I’m glad to say that during some of my more lucid moments, NatureBoy and I did get in some gaming. As a solstice gift, I got the Mouse Guard RPG and Warcosm space fleet combat game. (Both purchased from Indie Press Revolution as Book + PDF bundles!). I will post about each separately

Last night and today, we’ve had quite a bit of snow. Traffic was moving pretty slowly on Route 15.



Snow always makes the barn stand out.




I liked the way the snow mounded on the feeder echoes the shapes of the crook.

Anyway, I will post more details about Mouse Guard and Warcosm soon.

Carnage photos

We had a really nice time, both playing games and having a weekend escape. I have a few photos that didn’t make it into the earlier posts that I’d like to share.

One thing we did to make our lives a little easier was to bring quite a bit of food that we could prepare and eat in our room.


Above, NatureBoy is making himself some mashed potatoes and some noodle; “a starch-filled redundancy",” he would say, quoting one of the few TV shows we watch.

Here’s the view out that window. It was breathtaking. We even got to see some loons.

View of Lake Morey


Here, NatureBoy is reaching for some uranium to power his nuclear power plant in Power Grid.

 Power Grid board game

The big hit of our gaming weekend was Wiz-War. Here are the photos I promised, though neither my water-logged camera nor my crappy photography skills do the game pieces justice.

This shot of the full board, shows the six colored maze segments.The segments can be shifted and rotated, and the maze exits wrap around “Pac-Man-style” (per NB).

Wia-War custom game set


Here, my green wizard has just placed a captured red treasure on his home space.

Close-up of Wiz-War 


But someone has absconded with one of my green treasures. That paper token is the “buck,” a creature obstacle summoned by an opponent wizard.

 Wiz-War close-up


The grey wizard and the purple wizard prepare to duel.



Wiz-War was a really fun game. NB and I are looking into ways we can play at home. Thanks, again, to Game Master Earl Waters for bringing so much fun to the table.


Earl emailed me Sunday night to direct me to some of the source materials he used in creating his game. That site has lots of good stuff, and links back to another Wiz-War fan’s single PDF Wiz-War package. And the Hirst Arts site has some instructions for using their molds and other materials to create Wiz-War game sets. NatureBoy has been reviewing this site and the pdf package frequently since we got back. He especially likes the idea of a custom gelatinous cube with a figure inside. 🙂